Monday, March 31, 2008
What Doctors Don't Tell Diabetics About Fats And Carbs
Eat fewer carbs. Your body turns almost all carbohydrates into glucose either quickly or slowly, so to get your blood sugar levels down, eat less carbohydrate.
Eat more carbs. You have diabetes because you are overfat, so replace the fat in your diet with carbohydrate.
It's enough to make you wonder if doctors and nutritionists really know how to treat diabetes, but there is, despite what you may hear from true believers in one kind of diabetes diet or another, value in both approaches.
The idea that diabetics should eat less carbohydrate makes inherent sense. Diabetes is a condition in which either the body is not making enough insulin or insulin does not work effectively. If you are not going to inject insulin or take drugs that sensitize cells to insulin or use medications that force the pancreas to produce more insulin, it makes sense to give your insulin less to do.
In type 2 diabetes, at least in the earlier stages, the body can produce insulin slowly, but not fast enough to take care of a "dump" of carbohydrate from a high-carb meal. For these diabetics, it makes sense to eat a different kind of carbohydrate, the more slowly digested carbohydrates associated with low-glycemic index foods like whole grains and vegetables. Even whole grains and vegetables, however, add up, and there are no "freebies." Too many turnips can raise blood sugars as much as too much cake, only much more slowly.
But what if you ate almost no carbohydrate at all? Wouldn't this be even better for getting blood sugars down?
There is a growing number of doctors and diabetics finding success with diets that allow 1/10 to 1/5 as much carbohydrate as suggested by the American Diabetes Association. The body still needs insulin to move glucose into cells, because about 23 per cent of the amino acids in high-protein foods are eventually transformed into sugar. The body does not need as much insulin, however, and blood sugars do not swing up and down as they do on high-carb diets, even "good carb" diets. And fats do not turn into blood sugar.
The problem comes when diabetics try to mix the two approaches, eating both high-fat and high-carb, or alternating high-fat and high-carb. If you eat a meal that's mostly carbohydrate, the liver will sense raising blood sugar levels and stop converting its stores of glycogen into even more glucose. If you eat a meal that is high in both fat and carbohydrate, the liver will not sense the load of glucose and stop releasing sugar. This is because the liver is "blinded" to glucose levels by the fatty acids released in the digestion of fatty foods.
A high-fat meal can cause excess production of glucose by the liver for as long as seventy-two hours. And in those seventy-two hours, elevated levels of sugar in the bloodstream can "turn off" muscle cells in ways that make them less sensitive to insulin the next time the diabetic eats any kind of meal, either high-carb or high-fat.
This principle is why both vegan raw foods diets and Atkins-style diets work for getting blood sugars down, provided any food that is consumed is consumed in moderation. The good news is, diabetics who manage to keep both blood sugar and blood fatty acids low for 72 hours begin to repair insulin sensitivity, sometimes to the level of people who do not have diabetes, whichever approach they use.
What You Need To Know About Asthma
Keeping a constant check on their condition is the most important step for an asthma sufferer. The medical treatment given to patients will depend on the severity of their condition and will be one of three areas which are; preventing the attacks and then providing relief if they do occur, in addition to supplying medical treatment for serious attacks.
Bronchodilators are recommended for short-term relief for all patients but those with mild occasional attacks need no other medication. For asthma patients with frequent but still mild attacks then a low-dose glucocorticoid or a leukotriene modifier should be all that is required as well as a standard Bronchodilator. Oral glucocorticoids will have to be used for the unfortunate patients who have serious and severe attacks
Asthmatics must also identify the triggers that cause the allergic reaction in them and find ways to reduce or eliminate them. The problem is now believed to be made worse as a result primarily of atmospheric pollution which tends to be found in industrial areas and cities.
Serious side effects can be caused by long term use of medication and the stronger the treatment, the worse the problems can be. For instance, liver damage, impotence, fatigue, depression and dizziness are not unusual. Pharmaceutical drugs are formulated to make the body's own immune system to take over but more people are now using natural medicines which are treating the cause of the respiratory condition instead.
Every attack weakens the body's system a little as it becomes hyperactive where the task of the catalyst in medication is to calm and soothe this hyperactive system. However, the natural medications that are used contain natural catalysts which do not cause any side-effects and help restore the body's equilibrium.
Some asthma sufferers have discovered the benefits of yoga as it helps to improve their breathing and overall health. A good nutritional diet will help boost the immune system and natural therapies will not leave large amounts of drugs in your system. The main focus however,should be on the asthma patient learning to control their own condition.
8 Reasons Why You Should Exercise
Here are 8 reasons why you should exercise!
1. Waking up refreshed! When you exercise in a healthy and safe way, you will feel a lot better about getting up in the morning.
2. Still going strong at the end of the day! If you exercise on a regular basis you can feel the difference at the end of the day, when you come home from work or a day of play.
3. Having more energy for recreation! You will have more energy to the things you love. It can be anything, fishing, sports, hunting, walking, dancing, you name it!
4. Sleeping better! You will definitely sleep a lot better at night. You will be calm when you go to bed and rested when waking up. Also, you will not wake up as much in the middle of the night.
5. Prevent heart disease! If you exercise your heart regularly, you will decrease the chance of having heart difficulties and lower your total amount of bad cholesterol (LDL). Remember, not all cholesterol is bad.
6. Prevent osteoporosis! Your bones are at the peak in your 20's. If you start exercising on a regular basis at that age you will lower you chance of having this disease. If you are older, no worries, but the sooner you get started, the better.
7. Prevent diabetes! There is a great debate on how much exercise people with diabetes should do. Remember, it can't hurt if you do it in moderation. Consult your doctor before you start an exercise program.
8. Lose weight! If you start an exercise program designed for weight loss, you will lose weight! You just have to stick with it and eat right.
I hope this information will help you get motivated to "get out there" and do the work!
5 Foods To Avoid If You Want To Loss Weight
So, if you can't believe the health claims on the food packages in the store, how are you supposed to tell whether or not a particular food will help you lose weight or if it will only make you fatter? Become a label reader! Regardless of what the front of the package says, manufacturers are required to list their ingredients on the back. Reading labels will help you make better choices and lose weight faster. Avoid the following foods like the plague and watch your bathroom scale take a nosedive.
1. High Fructose Corn Syrup - This is number one of the foods that create fat. Up until the past 35 years, almost all the sugar we ate was in the form of sucrose. It was produced from sugar cane and beets. The danger of pure corn fructose is in the fact that it is without enzymes, vitamins or minerals. The energy required for the liver to metabolize fructose forces the body to overuse its mineral and enzyme stores. High fructose corn syrup seems disrupt metabolism to such a degree that collagen and elastin production are markedly reduced. That's bad news if you suffer from cellulite! Eating this will make cellulite worse.
2. Cooking oil - Corn oil, canola oil, soybean oil and cottonseed oil are the cheapest cooking oils produced. They are used most often in the home and in restaurants. Unfortunately, they are so high in polyunsaturated fats that they are not healthy. They also oxidize much faster than other fats which generates free radicals and damages all the body's cells. Many degenerative diseases and certain cancers have been linked to this process. Healthier cooking oil options are unrefined coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil.
3. Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil - This deadly type of oil is also known as "trans fatty acids". Deadly, heart clogging stuff and terrible for the waistline as well. You will see this most often in pre-packaged snack foods, coffee creamer and commercial peanut butter. If this stuff is anywhere on the ingredient list, don't eat it!
4. Low fat or fat free snacks - Labeling food as "low-fat" or "fat free" has been really good for food manufacturers bottom lines, but not so good for consumers. These types of snacks, while they may be low in fat, are extremely high in sugar. Most often that sugar comes in the form of high fructose corn syrup. Research also shows that people overeat foods labeled as low fat. People think that the low fat foods contain about 25% less calories when in reality they only contain about 10-15% fewer calories. There is also a decreased sense of consumption guilt so people generally eat about 20% more of these so called healthy foods.
5. Soda - Both diet and regular sodas are basically carbonated chemical soups plus high fructose corn syrup or dangerous artificial sweeteners. There are absolutely no redeeming nutritional qualities in soda at all. Soda contains no vitamins, no minerals and no enzymes.If you crave a flavored drink without the calories, try a flavored herbal tea sweetened with stevia instead.
The bottom line is this, in order to lose weight fast it's an absolute necessity that you eliminate the foods that create fat and replace them with foods that burn fat.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Herbs - A Safe and Effective Way to Lose Weight?
Because of the Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act (DSHEA) passed by Congress in 1994, weight loss and other supplements are not regulated by the FDA, are not required to demonstrate efficacy for the conditions for which they are promoted, and are not even required to prove that they contain what they claim to contain.
Many of the supplements currently promoted for weight loss have sympathomimetic effects; in other words they are compounds from plants, herbs, or other natural compounds that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system. They carry the same risks as prescription drugs that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system.
One such supplement is the Chinese plant Ma Huang, which contains ephedra, a compound similar to ephedrine, which stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. Ephedra increases heart rate, blood pressure and energy expenditure, stimulating ²-1 and ²-2 adrenergic sympathetic receptors. Ephedra is often combined with caffeine as a weight loss supplement. Ma Huang is also combined with guarana, a Brazilian plant with a high caffeine concentration, and promoted as a weight loss supplement. A recent meta-analysis that pooled the results from several different studies together showed that ephedra containing products result in weight loss of 2 pounds per month, although no information is available for treatment longer than 6 months.
Ephedra is one of the most dangerous over the counter supplements available today. It accounts for the majority of all reports of adverse events for herbs and supplements to the FDA. It is associated with a 2-3 fold increase in psychiatric, autonomic, heart related and gastrointestinal side effects. 87 episodes of heart attack, stroke, seizures, and high blood pressure have been reported to the FDA. It has been associated with several deaths, including a pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles, which led to the unusual (for a supplement) step of the FDA banning it in 1994. The FDA has since revoked the ban.
Hydroxycitric acid is sold under the name garcinia and is promoted for weight loss. It has been shown to inhibit the enzymes that convert compounds into coenzyme A, blocking the storage of energy as fat. The evidence related to its ability to promote weight loss is contradictory. Other products, including psyllium, guar gum, chitosan, chromium, and conjugated linoleic acid showed no effect on weight loss, although they have no major potential toxicities.
The bottom line is that the only natural herbs that might help you lose weight (i.e. Ma Huang) also carries significant potential risk that may be as great as prescription drugs. Sustained changes in diet and exercise that are adopted for life are the best way to lose weight and keep it off.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Acne Remedies
Those that help prevent the condition
Over-the-Counter: Treatments for conditions that do not require prescription
Specialized, on-prescription acne products
General acne products are used as a preventative measure and include cleansers, make-up removers and other similar products that can help prevent acne. We should all use products like this to maintain our skin and prevent future problems from occurring.
More specialized cleaners are designed in the same way as acne skin care products; they clean out the pores to help stop sebum or oil which clogs up the pores. These products prevent the oil from getting trapped in pores and can hamper the growth of bacteria, this can lead to the bad skin condition.
One particular skin care treatment is an exfoliation skin peel which cleans the skin and helps control the spread of the condition. This type of peel helps reduce the chance of oil clogging up the pores as well as removing other skin impurities; this can reduce the bacterium growth on your skin.
Many other acne skin care products have become available over the counter and on the internet; they don't usually require a prescription. Products that contain the chemical benzoyl peroxide and the naturally occurring salicylic acid are used in vanishing creams. They work by removing the excess oil from the skin and halt the growth of acne.
Although benzoyl peroxide works well, it is possible you may have a reaction, it is suggested that any benzoyl peroxide skin care product should not contain the active ingredient at more than 5.5 percent. You might have to try a few different creams or lotions before you find the acne skin care product that is effective for you're skin. If nothing you try seems to work, you should contact a dermatologist.
On-prescription treatments are prescribed by a dermatologist and can include ointments that can be applied on the affected area or oral antibiotics or just any topical ointment. Your dermatologist may suggest a minor surgical procedure to remove the contents of pustules. Never try to squeeze your zits as it can lead to permanent damage of your skin.
Your doctor may even suggest a course of hormone therapy as a skin care treatment. Hormone changes are sometimes responsible for acne and can be very effective when used under prescription. With all the treatments available, tackling acne is not that difficult as there are many new products available to help.
How To Keep Those Extra Pounds From Coming Back
Does dieting really work? Well, the answer is yes and no. You see, dieting works in the short run. Some people go through excruciating means to shed those unwanted pounds, but what happens is, they slowly come back on. Why does the weight return?
One reason is that dieting doesn't take into account that eating a proper nutritious meal is a life time adjustment. Most dieters lose the weight, then go back to old bad habits, and diet again. This becomes a vicious unhealthy, never ending cycle that is hard to break.
Another reason is the less you eat, the slower your metabolism. When your metabolism slows down, you don't burn as many calories, and therefore, the weight doesn't come off.
So, cutting back on food intake is not the answer.
Taking diet pills can possibly work, but is sometimes dangerous. People have died from abusing diet pills, and also, like other diets, once you stop, the weight comes back on.
The Solution to weight loss
Eating properly has an effect on weight loss, but couple that with motivation, healthy foods, purging toxins, and exercising in a fun way, and the weight you lose will stay lost for a life time without any thought or effort. Please choose carfully which method you use to lose weight.
Effects Of Drinking Alcohol With Diabetes
Mixing alcohol and diabetes can be risky business. It is hard enough for diabetics to control their diets without using alcohol. They not only have to pay attention to what they eat, but how much they eat. It is only through proper diet and planning careful meals that diabetics can gain control of the disease and regulate it in order to live healthier, longer lives.
Drinking too much alcohol makes it very difficult for the body of a diabetic to maintain the proper blood sugar levels in their system. Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the blood stream without fully metabolizing in the stomach. It can take a normal person about two hours to metabolize one average alcoholic drink. But when a person that is diabetic drinks alcohol, they are at risk of developing low blood sugar very quickly.
People with diabetes that drink alcohol will always be putting themselves at risk of developing low blood sugar. Low blood sugar is what causes diabetics to having reactions. When alcohol is consumed, the liver focuses all it's attention to clear the alcohol from out of the body. This means that the liver does not have time to provide the glucose the body needs, leading to low blood sugar, a diabetic's nightmare. When a diabetic has been consuming alcohol, even a shot of Glucagon will be ineffective in raising the low blood sugar because the alcohol will stop the Glucagon from working.
After everything is said and done, this does not necessarily mean that a person who has diabetes should never consume alcohol. This is something that needs to be discussed with a doctor. People who suffer from type II diabetes are better candidates for having an occasional drink. There are even some documents in medical journals that discuss how women with type II diabetes can lower risks of complications associated with the disease by consuming alcohol in moderation. The alcohol's effects can decrease insulin resistance only when the alcohol consumed is a couple of drinks per day. If, after checking with your doctor and if your doctor says you can drink alcohol on occasion, then use some commonsense guidelines when drinking alcohol.
Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Eating some food before drinking helps the alcohol to metabolize faster, so your blood sugar level has a better chance of not falling. Drink light beer instead of the regular variety. When consuming mixed drinks, stay with the sugar free mixes. When drinking wine, stay with the dry wines. Always drink in moderation. If you do not, then you are putting yourself at risk with your diabetes. Anymore than a couple of drinks can cause your blood sugar to begin falling too low.
Overall, diabetes is the silent killer. It would be much safer to not drink at all. If you do consult with your doctor and it is alright to have a couple of drinks on occasion, then ensure you only do drink in moderation for your own health's sake.
Systoms of Type 1 Diabetes And Treatment
Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes only takes a few weeks to develop. The initial symptoms include:
• Increased production of urine (polyuria)• Excessive thirst (polydipsia)• Tiredness • Loss of weight
If type 1diabetes isn't treated at this stage, the body begins to produce chemicals called ketones. This is because it tries to use energy sources other than glucose. The ketones build up in the bloodstream, leading to a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis causes additional symptoms, including:
• Vomiting • Stomach pain • Rapid & shallow breathing • Increased pulse rate• Sleepiness
Without treatment, diabetic ketoacidosis can lead to coma and, eventually, death.
Having type 1 diabetes increases your risk for many serious complications. Some complications of type 1 diabetes include: heart disease (cardiovascular disease), blindness (retinopathy), nerve damage (neuropathy), and kidney damage (nephropathy). All patients need to be regularly screened for these complications to prevent long term damage.
People with diabetes type 1 need to:
• check blood sugar levels a few times a day by testing a small blood sample• give themselves insulin injections, or use an insulin pump• eat a balanced, healthy diet and pay special attention to the amounts of sugars and starches in the food they eat and the timing of their meals (carbohydrate tracking)• get regular exercise to help control blood sugar levels and help avoid some of the long-term health problems that diabetes can cause, like heart disease• work closely with their doctor and diabetes health care team to help achieve the best possible control of their diabetes and be monitored for signs of diabetes complications and other health problems
Treating type 1 diabetes
Type 1 is treated with insulin replacement therapy - usually by injection or insulin pump, dietary control, typically including carbohydrate tracking, and careful monitoring of blood glucose levels using Glucose meters. Oral medicines generally do not have much role to play in treating this disease since there is virtually no insulin production in this disease. For more information visit offers the much needed information and support to its user. Post your question freely and get the assistance of medical experts online.
Friday, March 28, 2008
The Internet as a Resource For an Infertility Specialist
Of course, many a infertility specialist advertises his or her services on the Internet today. While such an advertisement at a website sponsored by an infertility specialist can be helpful to some degree, you do need to understand that this is not unbiased and independent information. Obviously, the whole intent behind such a website and such an advertisement is to entice you to use the services of a particular professional. Therefore, while such a site may be helpful on some level, it is important for you to obtain other information.
There are now in operation some independent websites that offer people interested in finding an infertility specialist the chance to come together and exchange information via forums and chat rooms. You do need to make certain that these are independent ventures, however, and not associated with a particular specialist or practice. On some level these websites that contain forums and chat rooms can be helpful to you. However, with that said, more often than not the information available at these sites will by shared by people quite like you ... other people seeking professional assistance. Again, while this information can be helpful, it is not particularly authoritative.
Finally, there are some independent sites up and running on the Net today that provide well researched information about different procedures and treatments that are available to you today. In addition, these sites offer independent directory services that can assist you in connecting with an infertility specialist that will best be able to meet your needs, goals and objectives. In the end, it really is vital that you utilize one or another of these services on the Net if you do hope to be successful in finding a qualified and reputable specialist that can and will provide you with the fertility services that you need and desire and that will get you on the way to your goal of having a child.
By accessing such a service, you will be able to put yourself on the best possible course to begin treatments or to undergo an appropriate procedure to bring you closer to your dream of conceiving and having a child ... sooner rather than later. Of course, you need to make certain that you do connect with a well run and reputable site that provides these types of services to people like you today.
How To Know What To Look For When Buying Breast Enhancement Pills
The first thing you'll notice about all of these products is that they specifically state that the results aren't guaranteed for everyone. While that's unfortunate news, the manufacturers of these breast enhancement pills often realize that consumers aren't willing to take the loss on trying their product without some form of guarantee. That's why many of these vendors actually offer a trial period that should provide the consumer with plenty of time to determine if these pills have actually worked for them or not. If you try them and your results are lacking or not at all what they had said, you often have to confirm that you actually followed all of the specific instructions that the company provided to gain maximum effect or you may find that the warranty has become void.
Once you've located how long the manufacturer offers for a trial period, you should always compare this length of time to the testimonials listed on the site. If a majority of them line up with results before the guarantee has ended, you should be much more confident in your decision to it from that manufacturer. If they don't line up, that doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't work, it just means that you may not find your results before the guarantee period which is a deal breaker for most people.
Putting aside the guarantee, these manufacturers would not be in business if it wasn't for the fact that their breast enhancement pill provided results in some form or another. Keeping that in mind, it may take you longer to experience the results as they are meant to be gradual and natural while other women may find them faster. What's important is that you give your body the proper time and handle the treatment in the correct fashion to make sure that you either receive the results you want or at least receive your money back so you can try a different product.
Common Breast feeding Problems And Solutions
Engorged Breasts
During pregnancy, your breasts have prepared for breastfeeding which may have resulted in your breasts gaining in significant size. What is more, a few days after birth, once the milk shoots in, the breast can feel painfully tender, hot, hard and swollen. It is probably even more difficult for the baby to latch on as the nipple may be flat, thus creating more frustration. This phenomenon can occur within a few hours and once the breastfeeding process - supply and demand - is more established to work in tune, it will diminish quickly, usually within a couple of days. In order to ease the discomfort you can take the following steps:
• The best and quickest solution to reduce the pain of engorged breasts is to breastfeed frequently and long. Through your baby's sucking the production of milk and the supply will start to run more normal.
• If the engorgement is too painful to wait for the next feed or your baby has obvious difficulty to latch on properly, try to express a bit of milk by hand before nursing.
• Wear a well-fitted nursing bra which is not too tight around the breasts. Some women may even prefer not to wear any bra in the beginning.
• If the breasts are still painful after nursing, you can try to ease the discomfort by putting chilled cabbage leaves on your breast (cut a hole in the middle for your nipple). Take them off as soon as the discomfort vanishes.
• Try a warm shower or put a warm towel around your breasts to help the fluids flow better.
Sore Breasts
First time mothers often suffer from hyper sensitive or even cracked nipples. While breast milk is usually the answer for every ailment, including cracked nipples, it may not always give sufficient protection.
• You can use Calendula ointment to speed the healing process and to prevent infections through the nipple. Even though it is safe for baby to swallow it is generally better to wipe any excess off before putting baby on the breast.
• In order to prepare the nipples for breastfeeding you can use Olive Oil in your late pregnancy stage - apply a drop twice a day. This will make them less sensitive and thus less likely to crack once you start to nurse your baby.
• Place wet tea bags, preferably chamomile, on your sore or cracked nipples. The properties in the tea will help with the healing process.
Breastfeeding during Illness
Breastfeeding is the best way to strengthen baby's immune system and to make her resistant to germs and other bacteria. If you catch flu or some other virus, you do not have to stop breastfeeding your baby as you won't be able to pass it on through your breast milk. However, your baby can become infected through other contact with you so it is important to wash your hands before handling your little one.
Too much Breast Milk
If you are lucky enough to have an abundance of breast milk, there are several things you can do. You could donate your breast milk to The United Kingdom Association for Milk Banking. Thanks to breast milk donors human milk can be given to those babies who are unable to be breastfed naturally. It has proven invaluable for a healthier start for premature babies, thus allowing them to develop their immature system more positively. For more information about breast milk donation visit their website.
However, if you decide not to donate your breast milk, you can also decrease your supply by taking two to three sage tea infusions per day. It can be very effective and will also help with weaning your baby, as it reduces the milk production slowly.
Lump in Breast and Mastitis
If you feel a lump in your breast or your breast is very hard and painful, please see your doctor or a breastfeeding specialist immediately. They will be able to give you necessary medication and/or advice.
Back Pain - Know The Truth Today
Many people with spinal problems become addicted to the medication that relieves the back pain but this should really be the responsibility of a doctor. It is not difficult to injure your back, especially if you are a manual worker but long term problems can also be the result of poor body posture or from an accident.
Of course the most common way to injure your spine is by lifting heavy weights or lifting them incorrectly. There are a number of natural back pain relief methods that mean you will not have to rely on drugs. Tense muscles in the back can be eased just by gentle stretching; this provides relief and is simple to carry out.
Some people are now discovering the benefits of reflexology. Massaging the feet in certain areas bring relief to a number of back pain sufferers. Relaxing muscles and increasing the effectiveness of the circulatory system are two other reasons to use reflexology.
The Chinese medical art of acupuncture can also be used to help bring back pain relief, something which has only been recognized a short while in the West. If you follow Traditional Chinese medicine then you will know that they believe all people have a unique energy force running through their body called qi or chi. Chi is blocked in a sick body and needles inserted into specific points, ease many types of pain. There are large numbers of people that use acupuncture on a regular basis and claim it works well for them providing pain relief; especially those who have what is termed a chronic condition.
Relief can also come from another Chinese treatment like tai chi which is a form of yoga but not so strenuous. This method uses breathing control as the main source of relief with some stretching involved. It is so easy to learn by the young and old alike.
A good preventative form of back pain relief is to actually exercise more regularly. This not only conditions the back but is an excellent preventative measure.
Weight Loss ?? Try Aerobics
Most gyms offer a wide range of classes from Yoga to Spinning, Step Class to Muscle Conditioning. Whatever you are trying to work on chances are there is a class for you. But how do you decide where to start and how do you actually work up the courage to attend a class?
Start out by looking at a list of the classes offered. From that list see what options would fit into your schedule. Once you have narrowed down the list it is time to try them out. This can be a scary thing if you have never tried a class before or it has been a long time since your last class. Don't worry new people try classes everyday.
If you are new to working out try not to start with an advanced class. If that is the only option, arrive a few minutes early to the class and tell the instructor, they may be able to show you some low impact options for the high impact moves. If you are trying a step class for every move that is done on a step there is an option for doing it on the floor. If you are trying a weight training class start with light weights or no weight at all until you get a feel for the class. If you give a spin class a try you can vary your resistance to a level comfortable for you. Keep in mind that you don't want to rush things right away but you are here to work out so find a level that is comfortable but still a challenge.
How do you know if you are working out hard enough or too hard? One option is to wear a heart rate monitor this is a good way to make sure you are not exceeding the 80% level. Another way is to check your pulse during the work out. Most aerobic rooms will have a chart that is according to age.
Aerobics can be a fun way to exercise. The music is upbeat. The group atmosphere can help you push through those last few moves that you might skip if you were doing it by yourself. If you frequent the same classes you will see the same people so it can become a social outing as well. Just remember everyone in the room was new to that class at one point so don't be afraid to miss a step or ask a question they are all more that willing to help.
Weight Loss - Patience And Persistence Is The Key
The quickest and most consistent way to get yourself on a weight loss schedule, is to write it out. If you rely only on planning it out in your mind, you'll have an easier time of making and excuse of not following it then you would if it was on a sheet of paper. Don't take my word for it. Try it for yourself.
Just think about what you want to do for the next several hours. After that time has passed, this time write down what you want to do for several more hours. After you've completed this little assignment, I'm sure you will feel that you felt a stronger urge to do the things you wrote down, then the things you just planned out in your head.
Don't be surprised though. It's like that with every thing you do. For example, what would be more real to you: imagining a bright red apple or holding one in your hand. If you're like 99.9% of the people out there, it's holding it in your hand.
By writing down what you need to do each hour of the day as it pertains to your weight loss program is the same thing. It makes it more real to you than just planning it out in your mind. So, if you want to make quick work of losing that excess baggage, write out a schedule. It's sure to be time well spent.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
7 Quick Fire Tips To Clear Acne
Acne is considered a disease, but acne is more of a reaction of the body's defenses to rid itself of bacteria. Your body always worked before to eliminate bacteria without these pimples and blackheads infesting the body, so why does it begin happening at the age of puberty, then suddenly vanish in a few years?
The human condition is always eliminating bacteria through sweat. Sweat is not just for cooling the body down as a release mechanism. Sweat glands also eliminate waste mixed in with the sweat. This goes to show why some people should never take off their shoes and also why under arm deodorants sell like crazy.
As children reach adolescence, their bodies' hormones begin to change, releasing more adult type hormones. That helps explain the awkwardness phase they go through. This hormonal change affects the entire body, including the bacteria that is now clogging pore sacs in target areas of the adolescent bodies, producing acne as a reaction by clogging skin pores. This acne is more than a reaction, these are infections that manifest as pimples.
So, how do you clear your acne fast? This is not an easy answer. There is not one singular method that will get rid of your acne fast. But there are a few methods used in combination that will surely help eliminate the problem.
Clear Acne Fast - Tip #1
Exposing the infected area to sunlight will help to kill the bacteria that is infecting the acne. Too much sunlight will cause sunburn, so use your better judgment to clear your acne fast.
Clear Acne Fast - Tip #2
Keep the infected area clean with a clean wash cloth and mild acne cleanser. Do this two to four times daily, always using a clean wash rag.
Clear Acne Fast - Tip #3
Stop eating junk food. These foods that are loaded with fats will cause your body to eliminate much of these fatty oils that are clogging up your skin's pores and causing acne outbreaks.
Clear Acne Fast - Tip #4
Not picking at your acne will actually allow your blemishes to clear up faster. Picking at the pimples only helps to infect the area more.
Clear Acne Fast - Tip #5
If you have long hair, keeping it from touching your blemished areas will help to keep it clean and not be exposed to more dirt and grease that can cause your acne to react.
Clear Acne Fast - Tip #6
Avoid overusing chemical medications that will actually do more harm by causing skin reactions to the chemicals.
Clear Acne Fast - Tip #7
Use facial cosmetics sparingly so you can clear your acne fast. Your skin needs to breath in order to heal. Begin using natural cosmetics that do not have chemical additives.
These tips will help to clear your acne fast and to ward off future acne outbreaks in the future.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Weight Loss Surgery- Get the Facts
It is very important that you stick with the diet and nutritional supplements once you have the weight-loss surgery in order to maintain the weight loss you want and to avoid any complications. There have been people that did not follow the guidelines after surgery and ended up gaining weight despite everything that has been done. The best way to get all the information you need regarding the surgery would be to sit down and talk with your doctor. They can go over all the options with you so you know exactly what you're getting into an exactly what you can expect in the end.
It is been proven time and time again that weight-loss surgery is one of the fastest ways for people to lose weight. After the surgery it is important to follow a strict regimen in order to keep the weight off and not pack the pounds back on. Their different types of weight loss surgery that you can get rang from the temporary band that is put on your stomach to the more permanent altering of your stomach. No matter which way you choose to go, the procedures are fairly simple and you can expect to see results almost immediately.
It is important to keep lines of communication open with your physician and that you feel comfortable with your doctor. If you have doubts about your doctor and their ability to help you, then chances are you're setting yourself up for failure. Many doctors prefer to have their patients go through some sort of therapy either prior to the surgery or after the surgery to deal with the new changes that will be taking place within their body. By doing this you give yourself a little bit of insurance regarding your weight-loss plans. You'll be able to handle it both physically and mentally with the help of your doctor.
If you're overweight and you have found that diets just do not work for you and you're now having health problems, than it is important for you to talk to doctors as soon as possible to see if weight-loss surgery will be right for you. Your doctor will go over your medical history with you as well as your diet attempts and what your weight-loss goals are. He or she will then help you tailor a plan that meets your needs.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Risks of Diet Pills
However, diet drugs generally have not been shown to help people reach or sustain their weight loss goal. Long-term use of diet drugs is associated with some dangers, most importantly the risk of heart attack or other cardiovascular event (even in young people). Another worrisome consequence of diet pills is primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH), a disorder that is typically of unknown cause that is associated with an increase in the pressure of the arteries in the lungs. The primary manifestation of PPH is breathing problems with exercise. The end result of PPH in the absence of a lung transplant is usually death. There is a 6-fold increase in risk of PPH with diet pills, including dexfenfluramine, fenfluramine, diethylpropion, clobenzorek, fenproporek, and phemetrazine. Patient taking diet pills for more than 3 months face a 23-fold increased risk. Although PPH is rare, so that the absolute risk of developing this disorder remains small, the certain lethality of it when it occurs should be cause for concern. At this point we can say that any diet pill that actually affects appetite (i.e. those affecting sympathetic function) should be considered risky.
There are other life threatening side effects with diet pills, notably the dangerous effects of "fen-phen" (fenfluramine-phentermine) on the heart. Although the combination of these pills was never approved by the FDA, by 1996 over 18 million prescriptions a year were being written for this combination of pills as a weight loss treatment. Ultrasound examinations of the heart showed abnormalities of the heart valves in 24 women, five of whom required cardiac surgery for valve repair. This discovery led to the withdrawal of fen-phen from the market.
One of the most commonly prescribed medications for obesity, sibutramine (Meridia), acts on receptors in the brain that take up the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin back into the neuron. These neurotransmitters are involved in mood as well as appetite regulation. By blocking the reuptake of these neurotransmitters into the neuron, they increase the amount of neurotransmitter that is available in the space between the neurons (the synapse) and therefore increase the effects of these neurotransmitters. It is by this effect that Meridia is felt to have its weight loss properties, although the exact mechanism is not completely understood.
Meridia leads to a 4.45 kg (9 lb.) weight loss after 12 months of treatment (Li et al 2005). Some studies showed up to a 10 kg (22 lb) weight loss with Meridia (Godoy-Matos et al 2005). Unfortunately, weight returns to pre-treatment levels once Meridia is discontinued. Also, multiple studies have not shown evidence that Meridia (or any other weight loss drug for that matter) reduces obesity related death or disease, like heart disease, stroke, and hypertension.
The most common side effect of the drug is palpitations but it also causes increased blood pressure and stroke. Forty-nine cardiac deaths related to Meridia have been reported to the FDA. Administration to pregnant women can lead to fetal abnormalities. This has led to calls for Meridia to be removed from the market.
Orlistat (Xenical) is another drug approved for the treatment of obesity. Orlistat inhibits the lipase enzyme, preventing digestion and absorption of some fats. Orlistat treatment results in 6 pound weight loss that persists for as long as treatment continues (Torgerson et al 2004). 91% of patients get gastrointestinal side effects, versus 65% on placebo. Diarrhea is very common, with less commonly flatulence, bloating, and dyspepsia. Orlistat inhibits absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), and may lead to vitamin deficiency, so you should take a vitamin if you are on this drug. Recently a low dose version of orlistat called Alli (pronounced like "ally") has been approved for over the counter use in conjunction with a diet and exercise program.
The bottom line is that diet pills have not been shown to result in sustainable weight loss, and they have significant risks which could be fatal. Therefore I do not recommend their use. The best plan is a sustained change in diet and exercise.
Godoy-Matos A, Carraro L, Vieira A, et al (2005): Treatment of obese adolescents with sibutramine: A randomized, double-blind, controlled study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 90:1460-1465.
Li Z, Maglione M, Tu W, et al (2005): Meta-analysis: Pharmacological treatment of obesity. Annals of Internal Medicine 142:532-546.
Torgerson JS, Hauptman J, Boldrin MN, Sjostrom L (2004): Xenical in the prevention of diabetes in obese subjects (XENDOS) study: A randomized study of orlistat as an adjunct to lifestyle changes for the prevention of type 2 diabetes in obese patients. Diabetes Care 27:155-161.
Monday, March 24, 2008
How Do You Deal With Obesity
As a matter of fact, how do we see yourselves will greatly affect by how others see us. For most of use, it is very difficult not care about what others say. Due to this fact, a lot of people who are overweight would prefer staying at home rather than going out. They will avoid moving too much. And they will not do any exercises. This in fact will make more fat to be accumulated. As a result the problem of overweight will become even more severe.
It is also relatively more difficult for overweight people to have relationships. As a matter of fact, people who are overweight are generally reluctant to be naked. And this will certainly ruin their relationships in sex. As mentioned, overweight people will not choose to go out and this will make it even more difficult for them to find partners.
In order to deal with obesity effectively, one has to motivate oneself. He / she will need the determination to fight with fat. Of course the support from the others is also very important. As mentioned, what we see ourselves will be greatly dependent on how the others see us. If the other people try to support an overweight person, he / she will probably have more incentive to deal with the problem. Besides, we have to understand that addition to food is somehow like drug addition. We may feel depressed if we eat less than we used to. As a result, even more extra support may be need when an overweight person is on diet.
It is very easy for a person to get fat. However, losing weight is a different story. In most cases it is hard to lose weight. A strong emotional support will be needed in order to succeed in weight loss. After the diet, the overweight person will still have to eat less for his/her whole life. Of course exercising is also a must in order not to gain too much weight again.
Depression Medication
This group of drugs has proved extremely effective in treating depression. While there are many kinds of antidepressant drugs, they all work in basically the same way, causing subtle changes in the brain's neurochemistry that seem to relieve symptoms.
Adjustment Disorder
This mood disorder is less serious than major depression, but it can cause upsetting symptoms, including crying, worrying, and physical complaints such as headache, upset stomach, and unexplained aches and pains.
Adjustment disorder normally develops within three months of some stressful event - for example, the loss of a spouse, retirement or moving to a new environment like a nursing home. People who suffer from a serious or prolonged physical illness are also vulnerable to adjustment disorder, perhaps because they feel disconnected from their usual world and feel a loss of control and competence.
If you or someone you know seems to be suffering from this disorder, see your doctor. He will check for any underlying illness or other problem that could be causing the symptoms. While antidepressant medication isn't usually necessary, you may be referred for psychotherapy, which can help you deal with your unhappy feelings.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
In recent years doctors have identified a group of people whose depressive symptoms seem to be related to changes in their exposure to certain kinds of light, particularly ultraviolet light. They become extremely lethargic and depressed, often gaining excessive amounts of weight, in the winter months when days are shortest. When spring and summer arrive, their symptoms ease up or disappear altogether.
This pattern of depression is called "seasonal affective disorder" (also known, rather appropriately, as SAD). Researchers think that SAD may be related to a deficiency of melatonin, a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain. Melatonin secretion increases with exposure to sunlight.
The actual prevalence of SAD in older people isn't known, but some researchers suspect it may be more common than any one thinks, especially among housebound older adults who rarely see the sun because of illness, isolation or disability.
If you think that you or someone you know is suffering from SAD, tell your doctor, who will probably want to rule out any other problems first. Many people with SAD can be helped by supervised, daily exposure to full-spectrum light, usually delivered by a lamp or a special device worn on the forehead.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
How To Choose The Right Fat Burner
One supplement that's hot on the fat loss market is fat burners. Every time you walk into the local supplement store you're greeted with a variety of products that all promise to get you the body of your dreams if you just take a few pills a couple of times a day.
But are these fat burners really worth your hard-earned money? Will they really help you shed that unwanted weight or would your money be better spent on something else - perhaps some new clothes that flatter your current body better.
That is what has to be determined.
The first step in doing so is to understand that not all fat burners are the same. There are different types of fat burners to match a variety of goals and objectives, therefore the first step will be finding the one that's best suited to you.
The first type of fat burners fall into the thermogenic category and are aimed to help increase the metabolic rate and body temperature. Often these will contain ingredients such as ephedra, yohimbe, and caffeine.
Be aware that these are stimulants and as such, will create additional stress on your CNS. If you decide you aren't comfortable taking stimulant types of products, there are non-stimulant thermogenics that are available for purchase as well if you so choose.
The most noticeable side effects you'll see with these are an increased rate of energy, potentially an increased heart rate, feelings of jitteriness and nervousness (in some people), and lack of appetite.
Carb and Fat Blockers
The next type of fat burners out there are classified as carb or fat blockers. What these products essential try to do is block the digestion and processing in the body of any foods eaten that contain carbohydrates or dietary fat.
By doing so, you thus reduce your total calorie intake for the day and this is what will help the fat loss process along.
As these are non-stimulant in nature, you won't experience quite the same side effects as you do with the thermogenics.
Appetite Suppressants
The next class of fat burners are appetite suppressants and they are targeted towards killing your appetite. If you find that you are the type of dieter who struggles more because you are just simply hungry than because you have cravings for certain types of foods, this is likely the product you should be looking into.
Without feelings of hunger, dieting should be a much easier process for you.
Cortisol Blockers
Finally, the last type of fat burner that you may be interested in purchasing is cortisol blockers. Just as fat blockers and carb blockers work to stop these nutrients in the body, cortisol blockers serve to help stop the release and the effects of cortisol in the body.
Cortisol is a hormone that every dieter should be trying to minimize because it only encourages the accumulation of body fat, particularly in the stomach area. It is released due to a variety of different factors including increased stress, lack of sleep, being on a very strict diet (especially if its low carb), and when you exercise too much.
So, since it's virtually impossible to completely eliminate the release of cortisol entirely, doing what you can to minimize it is in your best interest. This is precisely why cortisol blocker products tend to be quite popular.
So, next time you're in the market for a fat burner, consider all your options. Also keep in mind that no matter what the product is promising, no supplement will 'magically' melt pounds off your frame. All they may do is potentially make it easier for you to get through the diet and exercise components that will help you lose the weight.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Your child’s nutrition (1): What are you programming Your child for?
Tired and worn out parents have a way of feeding their children fast and ready-to-cook, tired and worn out parents find it easy to feed their children fast ready-to-cook meals.some family most especially Nigerians and Africans eat rice and stew on a daily basics!, for some others, plain noodles are permanently on the menu. Where are the fruits, vegetables, essential amino-acids, essential fatty acids, etc. The fast food treats do not make it any better; they only add a lot of saturated and trans fats, salt, sugar, etc. Today, we will take a look at free sugar in relation to a child’s diet and health. The sugar that we refer to is the table sugar used on a daily basis to manufacture drinks, confectionery, added to foods at home like beverages, custard, pap, etc. How does it affect your child¡_s health, especially in high content?
Sugar in your child’s diet: Sugar is a very popular chemical in our daily diet. Three sources provide over two thirds of the free sugar our diet and especially the diet of our children. These are, soft drinks, table sugar, which we add to foods, like tea and confectionery like biscuits, cakes, etc. Unfortunately, these are the very foods which are popular with children. This is largely because these foods are promoted by intense advertising and have a profound effect on food choice by children. Immediately after watching one of these glamorous adverts promoting highly sweetened drinks, my son nearly always asks me if he can have it. I firmly tell him no and explain that it is bad for him if he wants to grow up to be big and strong! Only careful parental guidance will teach a child to choose a fruitover a sweet when offered both.
As populations got more civilized, the amount of sucrose (sugar) they consumed increased. Prior to that, most of the sugar in the diet was from fruits; fructose – fruit sugar.
Sugar and the Teeth: I must applaud dentists. They have continually educated the public on the harmful effects of sugar on the teeth. They seriously deserve this commendation because the sugar cartel are a very powerful international body. Sugar sells and it is available everywhere. It is interesting to note that sugar was so scare in England during queen Victoria’s time, that only the elite ate it. The Queen, on the other hand, ate so much sugar; because of her privilege, that all her teeth were rotten! Many countries, especially in the third world; have traditionally eaten a high starch low sugar diet.¨ These population, like Nigeria, used to have a low incidence of dental caries i.e. holes in the teeth were not common. The deterioration of dental health, grew with the introduction of free sugars and foods high in it into their diet.
This is in line with research conducted by Newburn et al in 1980, which concluded that starchy foods are not cariogenic (i.e. they do not decay the teeth to cause holes in them). I will not usurp my esteemed dentists job by writing on how sugar decays the teeth. It suffices for me to say here, that a low sugar diet is compulsory for your child’s dental health to be good.
Sugar and Nutrient Deficiency; Drinking large quantities of soft drinks can lead to deficiencies in several important vitamins and minerals. A survey of more than 4,000 children, aged 2 to 17 years, foundthat soft drinks consumption rose 41% between 1989 and 1995. Soft drinkers were less likely to get the recommended levels of Vitamin A or calcium, and were at increased risk of magnesium deficiency. Sugar depletes magnesium, and the high levels of phosphoric acid in soft drinks can combine with calcium and magnesium in the gut to cause a loss of these vital minerals.
Children and Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes used to be called "adult-onset" diabetes, because it mostly occurred in people over 50. But this is no longer so. The rising rate of diabetes in children is epidemic. Dr. Gerald Bernstein, an endocrinologist with New York's Beth Israel Medical Center said, "If you go back 20 years, about 2% of all cases of new onset diabetes (type 2) were in people between 9 and 19years old. Now, it's about 30% to 50%." It is now a well established fact that the incubation of type 2 diabetes is directly related to diet (about 90%). More specifically a diet that continually floods the blood with a high sugar content; a diet high in refined carbohydrates and free sugars. Children with a positive family history maybe programmed to develop type 2 diabetes earlier if they are fed the later type of diet.Sugar and obesity: The combination of high sugar and high fat in food is a very deadly one. This is because the presence of sugar in the blood after a meal is digested makes the pancreas to secrete insulin. Besides it normal function of helping to metabolise sugar, insulin makes the body deposit fat cells! You can see that this is an unwholesome combination.
You are more likely to put on weight much faster with the sugar in your diet encouraging the deposit of fat. Obesity is increasingly becoming a problem in children. Besides inactivity (not burning energy by engaging in physical activity), a diet combination as is being described here is one of the major contributors to the rising problem of child obesity. We will talk more about obesity in children.Sugar blues: An intake of a high sugar food gives a sudden boost, a temporary high. The habitual intake of such items leads to the craving for the quick sugar
high when one does not have it. Have you observed the speed with which some people gulp down a bottle of soft drink? As if their very life depends on it!
Today’s youths have been described as jetfighters.¨ They refuel on the move. They live off junk food, confectionery like sweet and canned drinks. A condition described as reactive hypoglycaemia¨ has been found to be common among them. This is the sugar blues, which occurs immediately after their blood is deprived of their high sugar fuel. They feel extreme tiredness, depression, aggression and have been known to even attempt suicide! In North America, a Professor Schoenthaler even traced it to criminal behaviour.
Most importantly, families should device ways to reduce the amount of free sugars in their children’s diet. Soft drinks should be few and far between, and even then, diluted. Water is by far the most satisfying fluid. If you teach your child to appreciate and drink plenty of water, then they are less likely to have sugar addiction.
This article may not be entirely true for American audience,it may be well suited to fellow Africans and Aisians
How To Burn Fat And Build Muscle
Number 1
You must learn to get involved in some endurance training ( weight ) to increase in muscle and physical strenght.
You MUST perform some type of resistance (weight) training to ensure lean muscle growth and strength increase. Building lean muscle (toning the body) is done by weight training and proper recovery/nutrition.
It starts with the stimulation of muscle growth from the stress of resistance training and ends in growth of lean muscle tissue from rest and proper nutrition.
Weight training could be very difficult but I believe when the goal is big the sacrifice has to be big,self discipline is the key.You should try and weight train 3 to 4 times a week, sufficiently training each muscle group once each week. If you train a muscle group (i.e. biceps or triceps) with intensity and proper resistance, once a week is all that is needed for adequate muscle stimulation.
Number 2
Learn to perform some aerobic/Cardio workout to ensure reduction in calorie and fat and the raising of resting matabolic rate (burning calories throughout the day at rest).
You cannot tone up the body and develop any type of defined physique if your muscles are covered by layers of fat.
Ensuring to do serious aerobics/cardio training 2 to 4 days a week will hasten the fat building process and also help in body metabolism in efficience at buring calories.
Many believe Calorie are being burnt while engaging in aerobic exercise only but the truth is , you are burning calories during the exercise AND you are conditioning the body to burn more calories even after the cardio session is done.
Intense, brief (15 to 20 minutes) cardio sessions help raise the body's resting metabolic rate (the metabolism) so that you burn off more calories even while resting.
Many weight lifers are not happy with their physic due to their ignorance of doing some cardio sessions alongside their routines.
For effective fat burning, 3 to 4 sessions (15 to 20 minutes each) a week is sufficient.
Number 3
Th last but important thing you must do if you are really serious about burning fat and building muscle is to watch your nutrition.You must cultivate the habit of proper eating throughout the day if you are really interested in seeing results.Eating small but well-balanced meal in a 3 to 4 interval will help in building up body metabolism to make it more able to burn out the food intake.
Doing this means you will be eating about 5 or 6 times a day.
Make each meal a high-protein, moderate-carbohydrate, and low-fat choice. Foods like chicken breast, turkey, fish, low-fat dairy products, and lean red meats are excellent protein sources.
Carbs should come primarily from vegetables as well as whole grain breads, cereals, pastas, rice, and legumes.
Nutrition is the most important of the "must do's" of a great physique.Importance must be attached to eating properly as not eating properly could ruin all your effort ,it doesn't even matter how much exercise you do.
The next time you are not satisfied with your current levels of fitness and the condition of your physique, I can almost assure you that the answer lies in one of the three "must do's" of fitness:
To build muscle and lose fat, you have to focus on intense cardio, moderate weight training, and proper nutrition.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Is Buying a Home Gym a Good Idea?
How much $?
Remember if you join a gym, you will also need to shell out the dough, be there at the hours they specify too. Plus you will have to let others watch you work out. So investing in a treadmill and some other equipment is not so much if you consider everything you have to put up with at a gym. When choosing exercise equipment, be sure you get the kind of equipment that is right for you. If you are only looking for a cardiovascular workout then you probably don't need a weight machine, so make the most of your money and get the equipment you really need. A good place to start is the Internet. Look at a couple of review sites and see which are the best machines for the type of workout you are looking for.
Remember, if you do buy from some internet offer, and don't really need the equipment, when you find that it wasn't what you expected, you will end up paying for the return shipping and handling which can be pretty steep for heavy home gym equipment.
Anyone can buy home gym equipment and you can even spend a lot of money doing it, but the point is, in knowing how to use it, thereby getting the best benefit and the best workout. If you don't know what you are doing, you might end up doing a certain exercise too little, and another too much, or maybe doing it the wrong way. You might end up with a sports injury, over exerting yourself or not getting any results in your fitness goals, which is that of getting fit and losing weight. This will cause you to lose motivation. While home gyms may be very convenient, it is important to learn how to use them correctly. Learn about which exercises fit your body type and which you need to do, to achieve your goals, Armed with this knowledge you can get the right machine for your home gym.
Look online at different review sites to find out which manufacturers are considered to be the best and what their average costs are. Find the right machine for the money you have. Try to choose a renowned brand and not a generic brand, that way you will be able to find the right parts for the machine. It's also, not a bad idea to find books on different types of fitness and exercises you can perform from home on practically any type of home gym equipment.
Playing It Safe At The Gym
Personal Training manager Dianna Scotece who not only gives lessons to clients at Equinox gyms but who helps train trainers as well, has this advice for developing a workout program that will help you remove the impediments to gym success:
• Familiarize you with the equipment and how it works. A good health club offers joiners an assessment of their fitness level and a free lesson, an opportunity to work with a trainer for education purposes. While monkey see, monkey do can teach you something, every person in an exercise space is an individual and one person is as different from another as night is from day.
• When searching for a trainer, look for someone with a personality or communication style that suits you. Most trainers who are nationally certified can handle the basics, unless you have a specific orthopedic or medical concern which you should make your trainer aware of from the start. Inform your trainer of any personal history and put your trainer in contact with a physician who will testify to any limitations you should impose on your routines.
• While many folk are studied gym rats and can easily multi-task at the workout space while flirting with the guy two rows behind at spinning class, tuning out at the gym is a mistake. When you pay attention to the TV screen or put on an IPOD and listen to your favorite tunes, you are unaware of what the machinery and what others around you are saying or doing. A flying elliptical makes a painful dent in your shin, as well as in your exercise routine, defeating the reason why you came in the first place. Catch up with the headlines or your emails at home or when you are not operating a powerful piece of equipment.
A good gym is always being wiped down to sanitize the equipment and constantly assesses the state of the equipment, tuning it up when it is not working according to basic standards. Washing your hands before exiting the premises is a wise decision. Passing germs with even the cleanest equipment is standard, and preventing disease is easy if you use a hand sanitizer or soap and water before you touch your face, friend or family.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Weight Loss
Experts have suggested so many method major problem in a bid to help redue to the rate ,but do these methods really work,at least to the extent you and I want.Magazines have suggested so many diets,recipes and other products that help in the reducyion but I am yet to discover any one thats loss weight apply the methods prescribed in the magazines.
So many have been decieved by the commerical tricks on local television stations.Few years ago I bought myself a bodybuilding guide, which completely changed my point of view into weight loss and muscle building. I have noticed that so many people are focused on popular stuff, which is shown on TV, advertised in magazines and I have noticed that not everyone realize that this is only a commercial trick.
I personally believe that everything can be achieved only by hardcore research and this is why my thoughts are based only on one bodybuilding guide, which was written by a person who was in bodybuilding for more than ten years.
I would like to introduce two important factors which are parts of a successful weight loss.
My opinion is that so many people focus on the wrongh the things in a bit to reduce their weight.In fact according to statistics 87% people fail in their bid to reduce weight but instead gain more weight A lot of people think that to loose weight they will need to make big, radical changes in their diets and lifestyle, but after two weeks time of low fat, low carb diet body can't cope with the sudden changes in ones lifestyle and eventually there is so called breakthrough. A person who was on diet goes to local supermarket, buys himself ten bars of chocolate and eats everything in one day and then he thinks that theres nothing better than old lifestyle. That is why you shouldn't make radical changes in your diet. Everything has to be made steadily.
There is another not traditional method. According to the bodybuilding guide I had bought some years back, weight loss depends on energy balance. This method isn't so popular in magazine articles, but I think it should be the foundation of every weight loss program.
Basically when I say that weight loss is dependent on energy balance I mean that you should plan your meals and plan your daily activities. The days don't have to be perfectly planned, but the thing is that you will know how many energy you use. Inou short terms it means that you should get less energy from food than you use. This is a fact of successful bodybuilding. There are hundreds of pills, vitamins on the market, but if you don't combine it with this principle you unlikely will achieve the results you want.
Fat Burning Diets
There are a plethora of so called fat burning diets out there on the market. It can sometimes be confusing as to which ones are actually healthy and which are not. The goal of this article is to discuss some of the popular recent dieting trends and help you to understand the facts concerning these fat burning diets.
Lets start out with the infamous;
The Atkins Diet
This diet supposedly works by cutting out carbohydrates, food like bread, rice and potatoes. Our bodies use carbohydrate as its primary energy source, when these are cut out, the body must use fat and protein instead. On the face of it this might seem like a good idea, the problem is the metabolic processes involved in using fat for energy instead of carbohydrates can lead to various health difficulties such as kidney problems, gout and headaches due to increased uric acid and ketone's. On this type of diet there can be low amounts of dietary fiber which leads to constipation and chronic bowel disease. There is also a common held belief amongst experts that the high amounts of animal fat eaten on the Atkins diet has a negative effect on cholesterol levels which over time can lead to heart disease. Having said all that, this type of low carbohydrate diet can be very effective in helping you to lose fat quickly, the key is to use it in moderation and not as a lifestyle diet.
The next of our fat burning diets is;
The Zone Diet
Barry Sear's 'Zone Diet' is a high protein, low carbohydrate, semi-starvation diet. This diet focuses on balancing the ratio of carbs, fat and protein. It is suggested that by consuming the correct amount of these components your body's insulin production is controlled. The theory is that when insulin is at the correct level the body burns fat more effectively. The ideal ratios suggested are 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein, and 30% fat with a concentration on avoiding 'bad' carbohydrates. Whilst on this diet many people claim that their general alertness and energy levels are increased. The problem with this diet is the emphasis on restricting calories which makes it very difficult to stick to for any length of time.
The South Beach Diet
Another of these fat burning diets is the South Beach diet which includes many celebrity advocates. This diet involves minimizing the consumption of bad fats and bad carbohydrates. It has three phases and begins with a somewhat restricted two-week induction phase. In this phase most carbohydrates (such as pasta, rice and breads) must be avoided. Plenty of protein is on the menu however with chicken, turkey, and fish along with nuts, eggs, salads, and vegetables.
The second phase includes specific meal plans and recipes. It reintroduces some of the foods avoided in Phase 1 - but only sparingly. This phase is used until a specific weight loss goal is reached. The third and final phase is more about living a healthy dietary lifestyle to maintain weight. The South Beach Diet may seem similar to the other fat burning diets we have discussed but other than the first phase, which definitely emphasizes low-carbs, it is not a strict low-carb diet. This diet is all about balancing the good and the bad carbs.
The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet
This diet has been growing in popularity. It involves a process know as calorie shifting. Nutritionally it is a reduced carb diet that cycles macro-nutrient ratios (to try and trick your metabolism). There are no processed foods included in this plan, it relies on whole foods, although after every 11 day cycle on this diet you are allowed 3 cheat days where within reason you can eat what you want. There is no calorie or carb counting and no limit on portion size, just eat until you feel full. This diet program is online and creates your own personal diet plan after you input foods that you most enjoy, it then creates an 11 day plan with 4 meals per day utilizing many of your favourite foods. This is one for the person who has tried the other fat burning diets without success, the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet is far easier to stick to in comparison with the other diets mentioned here as it sets out a clear plan incorporating foods you like and also allows 'cheat' days.
Ultimately the best way to keep weight off is to change your lifestyle habits. Fat burning diets are a dime a dozen, it is more common sense than anything else. Avoid processed and sugary foods and drinks, have a balanced dietary plan and follow a quality exercise program.
Stop Smoking Programs - 9 Ways To Stop Smoking Forever!
1. You have to steel your mind against smoking before you join any stop smoking programs. Read some case studies where smokers and their families have suffered because of the habit, see pictures of people affected by mouth cancer, read medical reports on smoking and think of the money you will save when you quit - all these will help you get in the right frame of mind.
2. Create a change around you and change your routine. For starters, you can throw out the ashtrays and lighters lying around in your home. Next, latch on to an exercise or sport that can keep you busy and put you in a relaxed frame of mind - remember, a relaxed mind can actually stop you from going back for that one-last-smoke.
3. Steps 1 and 2 above will put you in a positive frame of mind, enabling you to go through the rigors of stop smoking programs without feeling the pain. However, before you start off on any program, you must read and be forewarned about the effects that nicotine withdrawal has on the body - there are plenty of resources on this topic available on the Internet.
4. Cold Turkey is a stop smoking method wherein a smoker gives up smoking all of a sudden - some smokers can handle the withdrawal symptoms, and those who can't need to join a stop smoking program. Maybe you can give this method a try if you are confident and strong enough to take on the withdrawal symptoms.
5. If you feel you cannot completely stop smoking all of a sudden, then the next step is to try nicotine replacement aids. These aids are made up of nicotine chewing gum/lozenges, inhalers, sprays and patches, all of which release enough nicotine into the body to satisfy its craving for nicotine, and yet do not make the smoker feel like picking up a cigarette. The aids are an important part of any stop smoking programs, but reliance on them should gradually be tapered off once the smoking habit is kicked out.
6. Along with the nicotine replacement aids, you may be prescribed an anti-depressant and other drugs that take out the pain caused by nicotine withdrawal. Anti-depressants relax a smoker and keep him relaxed as he goes about the motions described in a stop smoking program.
7. Counseling and group therapy programs also help, but they may not be sufficient by themselves and can be used along with the nicotine replacement therapy.
8. If you are not inclined towards the programs above, you can try out other alternative stop smoking methods such as acupuncture, hypnosis, herbs, filters, laser treatments, etc.
9. Finally, you can stop smoking aids made from a proprietary herbal blend. It has helped kick the smoking habit in almost all cases (where it was used). It naturally stops the nicotine craving after the prescribed course is over.