
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Weight Loss

People seems to be getting more serious about their weight.weight loss has become a serious topic for almost everyone due to high rate of body of weight among people in the world in recent time.

Experts have suggested so many method major problem in a bid to help redue to the rate ,but do these methods really work,at least to the extent you and I want.Magazines have suggested so many diets,recipes and other products that help in the reducyion but I am yet to discover any one thats loss weight apply the methods prescribed in the magazines.

So many have been decieved by the commerical tricks on local television stations.Few years ago I bought myself a bodybuilding guide, which completely changed my point of view into weight loss and muscle building. I have noticed that so many people are focused on popular stuff, which is shown on TV, advertised in magazines and I have noticed that not everyone realize that this is only a commercial trick.

I personally believe that everything can be achieved only by hardcore research and this is why my thoughts are based only on one bodybuilding guide, which was written by a person who was in bodybuilding for more than ten years.

I would like to introduce two important factors which are parts of a successful weight loss.

My opinion is that so many people focus on the wrongh the things in a bit to reduce their weight.In fact according to statistics 87% people fail in their bid to reduce weight but instead gain more weight A lot of people think that to loose weight they will need to make big, radical changes in their diets and lifestyle, but after two weeks time of low fat, low carb diet body can't cope with the sudden changes in ones lifestyle and eventually there is so called breakthrough. A person who was on diet goes to local supermarket, buys himself ten bars of chocolate and eats everything in one day and then he thinks that theres nothing better than old lifestyle. That is why you shouldn't make radical changes in your diet. Everything has to be made steadily.

There is another not traditional method. According to the bodybuilding guide I had bought some years back, weight loss depends on energy balance. This method isn't so popular in magazine articles, but I think it should be the foundation of every weight loss program.

Basically when I say that weight loss is dependent on energy balance I mean that you should plan your meals and plan your daily activities. The days don't have to be perfectly planned, but the thing is that you will know how many energy you use. Inou short terms it means that you should get less energy from food than you use. This is a fact of successful bodybuilding. There are hundreds of pills, vitamins on the market, but if you don't combine it with this principle you unlikely will achieve the results you want.

1 comment:

Liana said...

This is a good article about weight loss. I have found this site to be really helpful. I was overweight and found the best combination to lose weight. Exercise, dieting, and the correct diet pill which helps everything. I'm on Proactol which is a great diet pill that I saved on at Weight Loss Place which helps me stay in control of my diet and lose my weight. Good luck to anyone who wants to lose weight.

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